Eine neue Hoffnung für die Kinder von Marokko
Kinderheim Village of Hope (Dorf der Hoffnung)

Village of Hope Ain Leuh ist eine liebende, fürsorgende Gemeinschaft von Familien für Kinder, die Gott zu uns bringen wird. Wir bieten ihnen Sicherheit und Hoffnung und befähigen sie, sich vollständig in die marokkanische Gesellschaft zu integrieren.

Sabah’s Story

Sabah 1 month oldThe local doctor said she wouldn’t survive. Her young birth mother said that Sabah was one month old, but when she decided to leave her at VoH, Sabah only weighed 1.5kg.

She was badly malnourished, and her arms were only the thickness of an adult’s index finger. She had to be fed every two hours and Sabah’s foster parents had to keep her next to them at all times so that their body heat could keep her warm enough to survive. She was so tiny and weak, she didn’t even have the energy to cry. But because of the love and dedication of her foster parents, Sabah did survive.

Sabah is 6-years old now.  She has big brown eyes, long eyelashes and beautiful long curly hair. She has a sweet, bubbly voice, and always has something to say. Now she has lots of energy. She likes to help around the house, and do baking with her big sisters. Sabah loves playing with her friends Noura and Yasmina, and has no trouble keeping up with her three brothers.  She also has a Mummy and Daddy who love her very much, and who had committed their lives to giving her a future and a hope, so that she could know the love of parents and a family.


Sabah in 2009


On 8 March 2010, her parents and her big brother and big sisters were separated from Sabah and deported from Morocco against their will. Sabah’s family just wants to be with her and her brothers again. To give her the hugs and cuddles that she needs, to provide for her so that she can continue to grow and learn. To be a family.

The Village of Hope Children

The Village of Hope Children

The Village (mountain view)

The Village (mountainview)

Boonstra Family

Boonstra Family

Muller family

Muller family